Our Products

's Pure Cow Milk

Pure Cow Milk

AY delivers you hygienic, chemical free milk, freshly collected from local farmers.



AY delivers natural ghee up. It is pure ghee and no presence will be added.,



AY delivers you vegatables grown without the use of synthetic chemicals,
such as human-made pesticides and fertilizers, and does
not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Green Vegatables

Inclusion of greens in daily diet would help prevent anaemia and promote good health.
Green leafy vegetables are also a rich source of Calcium, Beta carotene and Vitamin C.



AY delivers Urea is a natural product of nitrogen and protein metabolism and predominantly found in the urine and animal waste,


Human made fertilizers

AY delivers Human made fertilizers is a natural product of nitrogen and protein metabolism and predominantly found in the Waste of and animal and humans,


Round up

AY delivers Round up It is used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses that compete with crops.,